Monster Kid Radio
Monster Kid Radio #054 - Potpourri

This week, Monster Kid Radio clears the decks and releases a handful of recordings that have been building up in the MKR studios. A mini-interview with filmmaker Wayne Sturgil from May? Check. Two rounds of The Classic Five, one with Rich Chamberlain and one with Chris McMillan? Check. A review of Film Chest Media Group's November DVD release of 1959's The Bat (dir. Crane Wilbur)? Check. And even feedback? YES!

Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR

Monster Movie Kid -

The Shadow Over Portland -

The Classic Horror Film Board -

Stephen D. Sullivan -

The opening and closing song "Theme from the Unknown" (from the album The Acrid and Misanthropic Sounds of...) appears by permission of The Ogres -

Creative Commons License

All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Monster Kid Radio is a registered service mark of Monster Kid Radio LLC.

Direct download: Episode054.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am PST