Monster Kid Radio
Monster Kid Radio #266 - Tribute to the B-Movie Cast's Vince Rotolo

The podcasting and b-movie fan community lost a podcastingpioneer last week when Vince Rotolo unexpectedly passed away onWednesday, April 27, 2016. He was more than a podcaster, though. Hewas a friend, a mentor, a colleague, and so much more to so many ofus. This episode of Monster Kid Radio is dedicated to the memory ofVince.

"All of us who are lucky enough to have worked in the arts owe adebt to those of our predecessors whose work first inspired us."-Ray Harryhausen

Vince Rotolo
December 10, 1951 - April 27, 2016

RIP . . . Ciao.

Direct download: Episode266.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24am PST