Thu, 12 July 2018
1945's The Body Snatcher (dir. Robert Wise) is on deck this week on Monster Kid Radio, and Derek has two special guests watching his back this time around - author Jim Beard and podcaster Chris Franklin. Does this Val Lewton production hold up? Does the last pairing of Karloff and Lugosi go out with a bang or a whimper? And will you ever be rid of me, Toddy? Plus, Jeff Polier has two Weird Wednesday Reports, and Brenda joins Derek for Listener Feedback. Jim Beard on Amazon - The Super Mates Podcast - Batman Knightcast - Superman Movie Minute - The Secret History of Hollywood - Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - I Brake For Monsters -
Next week: The opening and closing song "Surfogenic Fugue" (Take It!) appears by permission of Bamboogie Injections