Thu, 20 September 2018
Category:Monster Kid Radio
-- posted at: 12:35pm PST
Wed, 19 September 2018
It's that time of year again! It's time to announce the winners of the Monster Rally Retro Awards! Stephen D. Sullivan joins Derek this week to announce the Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Movie, and Best Monster of 1934, 1944, and 1954 as decided by YOU! Plus, Jeff Polier's Weird Wednesday Report and Listener Feedback with Brenda. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Plan 9 by 9 Podcast Kickstarter - Piedmont Wind Symphony presents Frankenstein - "Overture to Frankenstein - The Movie Score" by Michael Shapiro - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - "Secret of Tiki Island" Kevin MacLeod ( Next week: The opening and closing song "Black Pyramid" (Bottoms Up!) appears by permission of Agent: Octopus The Monster Rally Retro Awards song "Kashyyyk Beach Party" (Meanwhile in Mallorca) appears by permission of Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience