Monster Kid Radio

When thinking about Dracula films, it's hard not to think about Horror of Dracula (dir. Terence Fisher), the Hammer Films Production that showed the world that Bela Lugosi wasn't the only man fit to wear the count's cape. Last month, Derek had the opportunity to see this film on the big screen, and he wanted to keep those Dracula-dreams going so he invited Steven Lee (no relation to Christopher) to Monster Kid Radio to discuss it. Ken tells us how Horror of Dracula was represented in Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine, and to round the show out, Brenda helps with Listener Feedback.

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"Nightmare Machine" Kevin MacLeod (
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Next week:
The Results of the MKR Frankenstein Poll with Steve Turek

The opening and closing song "Drukula" (Surf Sessions) appears by permission of Ted Boys Marinos

All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Sometimes there are things you can only do with men in suits.

Direct download: Episode396.mp3
Category:Monster Kid Radio -- posted at: 1:12am PST