Monster Kid Radio

Larry Underwood (or is it Dr. Gangrene?) joins Derek this week on Monster Kid Radio to discuss the 1935 double-Karloff'ed film The Black Room (dir. Roy William Neill). Is Karloff King? Well, he's a baron in this movie, and that's more than good enough for this more than great film!

Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657)

The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards -

It Came Outer Space at the Hollywood Theatre -

Monster Bash -

Archivos -

(.mp3s of every episode of Monster Kid Radio are available for download at our barebones behind-the-scenes website at

Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic -


Next week:
You'll Find Out (dir. David Butler) with Jeremy LaMastus

The opening and closing songs "Calling Dr. Gangrene" (Themes from an Imaginary Spook Show!) appears by permission of The Jeano Roid Experience

All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

RIP Nokie Edwards

Direct download: Episode361.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:58pm PST