Thu, 31 December 2020
After 40 years, does The Shining (dir. Stanley Kubrick) still trap people in its maze? We'll find out this week on Monster Kid Radio when Paul McComas returns to the show to discuss this 1980 film with Derek. Mark Matzke brings us his eighteenth Beta Capsule Review, and we've lost track of how many times Kenny has brought us a Look Famous Monsters of Filmland. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Follow Mark Matzke Follow Paul McComas
Next week on Monster Kid Radio:
Thu, 24 December 2020
Remember in the early days of Monster Kid Radio when Disney, Indiana's Scott Morris would swing by the show with a Christmas-themed monster movie around this time of year? We're bringing that tradition back in 2020 with 1996's The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas (dir. Ian Emes). It's a new cast, but do they deliver the same Munster fun? We'll find out. Along the way, Scott gives us an update on all things Disney, Indiana, and Derek even finds a way to talk about pro-wrestling. Mark Matzke wishes us an Ultra Merry Christmas with his Beta Capsule Review, and Kenny brings us back in time with a Captain Company Catalog in his Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Follow Mark Matzke
Next week on Monster Kid Radio:
Thu, 17 December 2020
Stephen D. Sullivan ( joins Derek this week on Monster Kid Radio to finally reveal the winners of this year's Monster Rally Retro Awards! Every year, we look into the genre's past and ask YOU to help us decide the Best Actors, Best Actresses, Best Directors, Best Movies, and Best Monsters of the '30s, '40s, and '50s. This year, we're focusing on 1936, 1946, and 1956. Kenny returns with his Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland, and Mark Matzke takes us to the Land of Light with his Beta Capsule Review of another episode of Ultra Q. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Follow Mark Matzke
Next week on Monster Kid Radio: "Kashyyyk Beach Party" (Meanwhile in Mallorca) appears courtesy of Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience (
Thu, 10 December 2020
The dust is still settling at MKR HQ and the massive 500th episode of the podcast, so this week Derek takes it a little easier and just kicks back to watch three movies . . . that many people have been shocked to hear that he's never taken the time to watch before. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (dir. Don Siegel), The Incredible Shrinking Man (dir. Jack Arnold), and The Innocents (dir. Jack Clayton) are all on deck, and after FINALLY watching these three classics, Derek shares his thoughts. Plus Kenny's Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland and Mark Matzke's Beta Capsule Review (featuring one of Derek's favorite episodes of "Ultra Q"). Also, we have some Listener Feedback to catch up on. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Follow Mark Matzke
Next week on Monster Kid Radio:
Mon, 7 December 2020
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Thu, 3 December 2020
Derek can think of very few things he's done consistently 500 times in a row, and he's so thankful to YOU, the listeners, the Monster Kids, the friends and fans, that have supported the podcast over the years! This week on the podcast, listeners of the show send in their thoughts on the podcast, Mark Matzke has another banger of a Beta Capsule Review, Kenny takes a Look at . . . something, and then we go back in time to Monster Bash 2019 for a late night game(-and-a-half) of the Classic Five with friends of the show Dominique Lamssies, Chris McMillan, Tracey and Scott Morris, Rich Chamberlain, Jeff Owen, Mitch Gonzales, Stephen D. Sullivan, Steve Turek, Ben Turek, and, of course, Kenny. (Hopefully we're not forgetting anybody!) Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Follow Mark Matzke
Next week on Monster Kid Radio: