Thu, 26 July 2018
It's been a hot summer, and Derek is already looking forward to the cooler weather coming later this year. To help get into that cooler-weather-mood, Monster Kid Radio is celebrating Christmas in July with 1934's March of the Wooden Soldiers (dir. Gus Meins, Charley Rogers). Also known as Babes in Toyland, this Laurel & Hardy vehicle actually takes place in the month of July AND it does have monsters (technically), so when Steve Turek joins Derek to tackle this movie this week, it (technically) fits into the Monster Kid Radio wheelhouse (technically). Also, Jeff Polier has another Weird Wednesday Report, and Brenda reads the newest Michael Dodd's Vault of Monster Collectibles. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Michael Dodd's Vault of Monster Collectibles Next week: The opening and closing song "Mugsy" (Lonesome Lagoon) appears by permission of Lucky 757