Monster Kid Radio

It's the final week of Lucha de Mayo 2019, and this time Derek is joined by Kenny Blose when Monster Kid Radio dares to watch the 1968 film Hellish Spiders (AraƱas infernales) (dir. Federico Curiel). Spiders. Aliens. Wrestling. What more could you ask for? And call him Kenny-Two-Times because not only did he join Derek for this week's movie discussion, he also has another Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine segment. And if you're scared of spiders (or aliens or wrestlers or Derek), maybe Professor Frenzy's Bedtime Story will help calm your nerves?

Help Derek have somewhere to sleep at Monster Bash -

Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657)

Monster Kid Radio on YouTube -

Derek's eBay listings -

Professor Frenzy -

Monster Hunter for Hire (Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles - Volume 1) -

Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic -

Professor Frenzy's Bedtime Stories copyright 2019 Gerry Green

Next week:
Monster Kid Radio Potpourri!

The opening and closing song "Hyper-Spaced Out" (The Cosmic Wrays Are Go!) by permission of The Cosmic Wrays -

All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Direct download: Episode421.mp3
Category:Monster Kid Radio -- posted at: 12:48am PST