Monster Kid Radio

Let's catch up on some Listener Feedback! This week, Brenda joins Derek to tackle last month's listener emails (and one voicemail). Also, some previous recordings that haven't made the podcast were unearthed and dropped into this mix this week. We'll go back in time to last summer's OMSI screening of War of the Worlds (dir. Byron Haskin) and chat with Chris McMillan, Dominique Lamssies, and David Heath; we'll also go back to a Weird Wednesday screening from earlier this year when Derek joins Dominique and Jeff Polier for a screening of Curse of the Crying Woman (dir. Rafael Baledón). All this, plus Kenny's Famous Monsters of Filmland and Professor Frenzy's Bedtime Stories!

Help Derek have somewhere to sleep at Monster Bash -

Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657)

Monster Kid Radio on YouTube -

Derek's eBay listings -

Professor Frenzy -

Monster Hunter for Hire (Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles - Volume 1) -

Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic -

Professor Frenzy's Bedtime Stories copyright 2019 Gerry Green

Next week:
Announcing the ballot for 2019's Monster Rally Retro Awards with author Stephen D. Sullivan

The opening and closing song "Branca" (Wood Surfers) by permission of Wood Surfers -

All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Direct download: Episode422.mp3
Category:Monster Kid Radio -- posted at: 2:27am PST