Thu, 25 July 2019
Next summer's Monster Bash is 11 months away, and to help tide us over until then, Monster Kid Radio has even more 2019 Monster Bash coverage! This week, you'll hear Derek chat with director Sam Irvin, monster maker Mitch Gonzales, publisher Richard Klemensen, and iconic Hammer actresses Veronica Carlson and Martine Beswick. (And courtesy of Michael Ramsey, we have Martine's Q&A from the Bash, as well!). Plus, you'll hear the Monster Kid Radio mainstays - Dr. Tongue's World of Monster Collectibles, Professor Frenzy's Bedtime Stories, and Kenny's Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - Little Shoppe of Horrors Magazine - Professor Frenzy - Dr. Tongue's World of Monster Collectibles
Monster Hunter for Hire (Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles - Volume 1) - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Next week: