Thu, 9 January 2020
The second week of The Satanic Rites of January brings one of the most devilish of guests to the podcast - Scott Morris from Disney, Indiana. Scott and Derek discuss a movie Scott saw for the first time at a Monster Bash - The Black Cat (dir. Edgar G. Ulmer). To be able to see this film with a room full of monster kids must have been special, and it made quite the impression on Scott. We'll hear about it, as well as the recent Blu-ray release of the movie. Derek has some other business to go over, Professor Frenzy has a Bedtime Story, and Kenny has a Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards - Professor Frenzy -
Monster Hunter for Hire (Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles - Volume 1) - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Music Credit: OurMusicBox (Jay Man) Next week on Monster Kid Radio: