Thu, 30 January 2020
To close out The Satanic Rites of January, Derek is joined by longtime contributor and even longer time friend Chris McMillan. Chris is the mastermind behind The Shadow Over Portland, so you know he knows what he's talking about, especially when it comes to 1975's The Devil's Rain (dir. Robert Fuest). This movie was also covered back in the day in the pages of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine, and Kenny's going to break that down for us. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards - Professor Frenzy on YouTube Next Week on Monster Kid Radio:
Granrojo at Sessions Music Hall, Eugene, OR - March 22, 2020
I'll miss you forever, my sweet darling Samantha - |