Thu, 16 July 2020
Monster Kid Radio #480 - The Thousand and One Lives of Doctor Mabuse and its director (Ansel Faraj) and lead actor (Nathan Wilson)
Filmmaker Ansel Faraj and actor Nathan Wilson sit down with Derek to discuss their upcoming movie The Thousand and One Lives of Doctor Mabuse. This is the third time the duo has taken on the Doctor Mabuse character, and they discuss the journey they've taken from the first film (and others) to this most recent cinematic outing. Also, Ansel tells us whether or not they were haunted during the production of 2019's Loon Lake. Listener Feedback, and some announcements (some personal, some specific to Monster Kid Radio) round out the podcast this week. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Abominations of Frankenstein Kickstarter - Blood Rites of the Vampyr -
Monster Hunter for Hire (Supernatural Solutions: The Marc Temple Casefiles - Volume 1) - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Next week on Monster Kid Radio: The opening and closing song "Alpaca Boogie" (The Celestial Sounds of the Space Agency) appears by permission of The Space Agency (