Monster Kid Radio
Monster Kid Radio #188 - The Mole People with Scott Morris

Double Feature Week continues on Monster Kid Radio with Scott Morris (Disney, Indiana and 1951 Down Place). The theme of the week is "Movies We Haven't Seen in a Long Time," and last episode, Scott picked 1951's When Worlds Collide (dir. Rudolph Maté). In this episode, they discuss Derek's pick - 1956's The Mole People (dir. Virgil W. Vogel). Also, Derek invites everyone along for the next Monster Kid Radio Crash happening 4/1 at the Joy Cinema in Tigard, Oregon. Be sure to visit our complete website at, and don't forget our Wiki Campaign!

Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657)

(.mp3s of every episode of Monster Kid Radio is available for download at our barebones behind-the-scenes website at

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The opening and closing song "It's Dark" (from the album It's Dark) appears by permission of Thee Imperial Royales -

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All original content of Monster Kid Radio by Monster Kid Radio LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

John Agar Rules.

Direct download: Episode188.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42pm PST